Idanim Makes Meditation Free for All in India

Idanim Makes Meditation Free for All in India - thisweekindia

New Delhi, April 16, 2024 – In a major move to make mental wellness resources available to everyone, Idanim, a leading meditation app in India, is now completely free.

Idanim offers guided meditations in Hindi and English, along with live meditation sessions, all at no cost. This decision reflects their goal to make meditation accessible to everyone and a regular part of daily life.

By removing the paywall, Idanim hopes to empower people from all backgrounds to find inner peace and improve their overall well-being.

The free update includes features previously available only with a subscription, such as daily live meditations, personalized guidance from instructors, and the ability to download sessions for offline use. This caters to both beginners and experienced meditators.

“This is a significant step forward for Idanim,” said Raman Mittal, co-founder of Idanim. “Our goal from the beginning was to make meditation accessible to everyone. With this change, we can help many more people start or deepen their meditation practice and experience greater peace and joy.”

Idanim invites everyone to try meditation and discover its benefits. Their focus on affordability and inclusivity allows them to support people on their journey to mental and emotional well-being.

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