Free Cataract Screenings Offered to Bengaluru Seniors by Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital

Free Cataract Screenings Offered to Bengaluru Seniors - thisweekindia

Bangalore (Bengaluru), June 14, 2024. To mark Cataract Awareness Month, Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital is providing complimentary cataract consultations to Bangalore residents aged 50 and over. This program runs across all 11 of their clinics and branches in the city until June 30th, 2024. To register, call 9594029222.

Cataracts and Early Detection

Cataracts are a major cause of blindness globally, affecting millions of people. They are especially common in diabetics, with studies showing up to one-fifth of cataract surgeries performed on diabetic patients.

Dr. Ravi Dorairaj, Regional Head of Clinical Services at Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, stresses the importance of regular eye exams, particularly for those over 50. As we age, the protein in our eye lens can break down, leading to cataracts and vision problems like blurriness, difficulty seeing colors, and poor night vision. While age is the biggest risk factor, other contributors include UV ray exposure, dehydration, poor diet, smoking, eye injuries, diabetes, and certain medical treatments.

Treatment and Prevention Options

Dr. Dorairaj emphasizes that cataract surgery is a safe and effective way to restore vision and improve quality of life. He also highlights preventative measures like healthy diet, exercise, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and wearing sunglasses for UV protection.

Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital encourages all eligible Bangalore residents to take advantage of this free screening opportunity. Early detection and treatment are crucial for maintaining good vision and overall health.

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