India’s Largest Livelihoods Summit Returns: charcha 2024 to Focus on Building Resilient Livelihoods

TheNudge Institute to Host India’s Largest Livelihoods Summit charcha ‘24 - thisweekindia

New Delhi, August 12, 2024: The/Nudge Institute is hosting the 5th edition of charcha, India’s biggest summit on livelihoods. This three-day event (August 20-22) at the India Habitat Centre brings together key players from government, businesses, and social organizations to discuss building strong foundations for secure livelihoods.

Over 2,000 attendees are expected to participate in panel discussions, workshops, and masterclasses on various topics. These include:

  • Rural and Urban Livelihoods:
    economic inclusion, skilling, promoting smallholder farmers, and the impact of AI.
  • Women’s Empowerment: financial access, economic opportunities, and bridging the digital divide.
  • Other Important Issues: inclusion, climate resilience, funding, talent development, and policy.

Leading organizations like Google, LinkedIn, Meta, Gates Foundation, Tata Steel Foundation, and Lend A Hand India are co-hosting the event.


  • Focus on Urban Livelihoods: LinkedIn will co-host discussions on future-proofing jobs against technology and gender bias. Generation India will explore using technology for better skill development.
  • Tech for Good: Google will co-host panels on digital inclusion and leveraging AI for social change, plus a hackathon for social good.
  • Distinguished Speakers: Government officials, business leaders, and social sector leaders like Amitabh Kant (G20 Sherpa), Renana Jhabvala (SEWA), Peyush Bansal (Lenskart), and Vijay Mahajan (Rajiv Gandhi Foundation) will be speaking.
  • Celebrating Indian Heritage: Sessions will explore the connection between traditional textiles and livelihoods, featuring music legends like Subha Mudgal and Aneesh Pradhan.

charcha’s History: Since 2020, The/Nudge Institute has organized four successful charcha events, engaging over 30 co-hosts, 1,000+ speakers, 15,000+ participants, and reaching over 1 million people.

Learn More: Visit for details about charcha 2024, speakers, and the agenda.

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