Electric Vehicle Adoption Crucial for Air Quality Improvement in Bengaluru and Hubli-Dharwad

Electric Vehicle Adoption Crucial for Air Quality Improvement in Bengaluru and Hubli-Dharwad- thisweekindia

Bengaluru, September 9, 2024.  A recent survey conducted by the Sustainability Mobility Network (SMN) has revealed that consumers in Bengaluru and Hubli-Dharwad are increasingly demanding that last-mile delivery companies transition to electric vehicle fleets. This shift is seen as a key strategy to combat air pollution and reduce emissions.

The survey, released on World EV Day, found that a significant majority of respondents (96%) believe that the adoption of EVs in last-mile delivery is essential for improving air quality. Furthermore, 80.1% of respondents indicated that they would be more likely to choose brands with strong emission reduction commitments.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • Strong public support: Over 90% of respondents in both cities expressed support for the transition to electric vehicles in last-mile delivery.
  • Consumer willingness to switch: A significant number of consumers indicated that they would be willing to switch brands if their current provider does not prioritize EV adoption.
  • Awareness and expectations: Respondents demonstrated a high level of awareness about air pollution issues and expressed clear expectations for companies to take action to reduce their environmental impact.

Expert commentary:

  • Dr. Rajeev Gowda, Deputy Chairperson of the State Institute for Transformation of Karnataka: “Karnataka has been a pioneer in balancing growth and sustainability. This survey underscores the importance of consumer demand and government action in addressing air pollution and promoting electric vehicles.”
  • Mohandas Pai, former CEO of Infosys: “Bangalore and Karnataka are at the forefront of technological innovation. It’s natural that consumers here expect their delivery companies to be leaders in sustainability by adopting EVs.”
  • Sanjiv Gopal, Chief of Strategy, Asar: “Companies must integrate accelerated EV transition into their plans. This is both a responsible and strategic move.”

Overall, the survey results highlight the growing consumer demand for sustainable practices in the last-mile delivery sector. As companies seek to meet these expectations, the transition to electric vehicles is becoming increasingly imperative.

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