Federation of Independent Recognised School Teachers Met Karnataka Governor

Federation of Independent Recognised School Teachers Met Karnataka Governor - thisweekindia

Bengaluru 28th January 2022. On behalf of Federation of Independent Recognised School Teachers,  FIRST KARNATAKA , President,  Dr. Afshad Ahmed BZ, along with General Secretary Smt. Bibi.  Aaisha Shaikh, Mr. Palani the founder of Isaac Newton School, and Mrs. Rashmi Rani, met Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka Shri Thawar Chand Ghelot today and handed over the memorandum on behalf of all the Private Unaided School Teachers Fraternity  to release long pending Covid package announced by the government earlier  for teaching and non teaching staff, whose ID status is verified from the Departments portal , but  unfortunately not many who have received the Covid Package amount.

The memorandum urged to Government to include teachers irrespective of any Board they are teaching for KSTBF benefits from KG to PG , the letter also mentioned to consider the service benefits such as Compulsory Provident Fund, Medical Insurance, ESI, Gratuity to all private unaided school teachers.   

The Honourable Governor has assured that the memorandum will be forwarded from his end to the CM of Karnataka in order to ascertain the status in person to see the reasons for the delay in releasing the covid package for teaching and non teaching fraternity.

The Federation of FIRST KARNATAKA wholeheartedly thank the Excellence for his valuable time given to ear to the problems of Private Unaided School Teachers.

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