Home-truths to face up to by India, post-Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

Home truths to face up to by India post Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - thisweekindia

A week is a long time in politics, but 150 weeks, it seems, is just around the corner! Reason why the opposition parties have started to hunt in a pack, with 2024 in mind.

Same old wine in same old bottle. No kick in the narrative. Boringly predictable: This dosti and bhaichara, only to oust Modi.

They don’t come together to demand Modi bring back Indians stranded in Afghanistan.

And when Modi indeed does so including even the Afghan nationals, they demand what about the rest? If there are people still unable to leave, then it is because of Modi!

They can even take credit for the rescued ones, by saying Modi did it under pressure from us. But they won’t. Because of that bizarre compulsion to be “secular”. Meaning, not offending the Muslim vote-bank.

So Muslims will feel offended if you tell them Muslims are leaving their country, because it turned, Insha Allah, into an Islamic Emirate overnight? Absurd? No, that’s secular.

That scared are the Muslims, no less – to live in an Islamic Emirate.

Now imagine the plight of others.

This is the truth blowing in the wind. But say it and the secularists will cry Islamophobia!

Actually, for such folks who feel unsafe in India, Afghanistan is safer, if you go by their tweets. They feel so unsafe in India that they tweet or follow or trend posts that cry for death to Afzal Guru or call for death to Modi.

The likes of Aamir Khan, Javed Akhthar, and the communists will never get a better opportunity in their lifetime. Unless they are hoping to roll the green carpet for the Taliban in Kashmir, with their peace-loving pals bred on Kalashnikovs.

Should we worry about the emerging coalition of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan against India?

Not really, if you are Sitaram Yechury. According to him, all Modi has to do is to pick up the phone and talk to Imran Khan, Mullah Omar and Xi Jinping, to ensure a stable future.

A stable future not for us, but for Kabul!

Quite an awesome threesome for peace: One fellow is Terror Lite, the other is Terror Site, and Xi is Terror Rising.

How about a stable future for India? Apparently, that can wait. For our left-liberal friends, India is anyway under threat ever since 2014.

Moreover, the looming threat at our doorstep is only a peaceful threat.

A peaceful threat is one where both the one issuing the threat and the one being targeted, will swiftly be at peace, at the end of the threat. Kabul Version 2021 is only the latest version of the original brand.

So Modi who is a threat to India, should talk to the very people who are the very threat to India. And that too, to ensure Kabul, not India, is stable. In other words, what the USA failed to do in 20 years, Modi can do over a phone call.

It’s like taking Modi hai toh Mumkin hain too far.

Rather, it sounds like Rahul Gandhi in one of his inspired moments. That’s precisely why it’s no reason to dismiss it for our liberal analysts. But as usual, they get the twist in the tale wrong.

Consider: Modi has a con-call with Imran, Omar and Xi and together they strike a deal. Omar will show his moderate face in Afghanistan – women will be allowed to pee in his toilet – and in return, he will get a free pass to pee or peek in peace in Islamabad, Kashmir and Xianjing.

In Islamabad, Imran’s popularity will grow and he can storm back to power.

In China, Xi can show how he can do business with the Taliban, unlike Uncle Sam, and broker peace in Xianjing.

Now, here’s the twist. In India, Modi will end up winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and all the leaders at Sonia’s Tea Party will get to decide how to lose the election before it is held!

Despite all the Whatsapp forwards we are seeing, the seculars in India are trying to reassure us that there is no need to fear the Taliban – but only if we reach out to them. Or else.

For instance, Journalist Shekar Gupta’s program on India after Afghanistan was about everything except the threat to India.

A lot of people Mullah Omar has not even heard of across India are trying to sell us a Omar Lite version, putting lipstick behind his beard.

The seculars want us to believe that the Taliban are actually nice folks to deal with, compared to dealing with Modi. They are right! You can’t fault them for thinking like that!

The secular media hopes the Taliban will usher in an “open and inclusive Islamic government”. Islamic AND inclusive – that’s classic balancing act a la Rajdeep Sardesai:

BTW, in the event of an attack on India by China, Pakistan and Afghanistan, who would you prefer to be at the helm of affairs? Modi or Mamata?

Hold your breath. It’s not Modi.

According to India Today’s latest Mood of the Nation survey, people’s preference for Modi has dropped from 69% to 24%.

Whoa. That’s too much to ask, even for the most secular hopefuls.

Fortunately for India Today, public memory is short. For example, no one remembers that their survey before the 2019 polls predicted that 46% preferred Rahul Gandhi over Modi! They even said that BJP will fall short of majority and get 245 seats.

But we stupid people didn’t listen to Rajdeep Sardesai and gave the BJP 303.

Whatever. Who then do we prefer better, if not Modi, as per IT? Apparently, ALL the ones who were at Sonia’s table. That is, PM-Monday, PM-Tuesday…. And so on.

Maybe this is India Today’s way of waking us up to the danger of having someone other than Modi at Delhi, when Taliban is at the doorstep of Kashmir Valley.

If we don’t wake up now, Mullah Omar is sure to do so in the Valley.

Whether we listen to India Today or not, the western press surely does. It is playing the old game by talking about the return of the Saigon Moment, who Uncle Sam should blame, and Kabul’s new best friends. But not a whisper about the terror that is at India’s doorstep, for no fault of hers.

The human rights saviours, the woke liberals and the secular conscience-keepers stand exposed by their deafening silence.

Where are the editorials? The op-eds? The stern put-me-downs?

Did The Economist send out an advisory like it did against Narendra Modi, to Joe Biden not to leave Kabul, lest the Taliban return there?

Will The Hindu give a call to rally the country against Islamic terror, boosted by the unholy trinity of China, Pak and Afghanistan, like it rallied the country on the CAA protests against Modi?

The time to wait is over. We have to act on our own. We have to call out the surrogates among us. We have to stop multiplying the differences that divide us.

No country has a choice about whether or not to fight its external enemies. But can we afford to ignore the threat from within, from the people who are dedicated to destroy the spirit, strength and resolve of our country to fight our external enemies?

Just because they don’t want to give up the pandering to the minorities? Just because they can’t tolerate the majority community stand up for itself – even if it is on paper?

We’ll never get a more real reality check than this: All this minority appeasement and so-called majoritarian rule will only swallow us in the back of the looming threat from the tri-axis of China, Pak & Afghan, if we don’t unite as one and behind Modi.

The harsh truth is, we need Modi more than he needs us at this extremely critical juncture.

If you don’t think so, there won’t be a minority to appease or a majority to blame.

By- KS Muralidharan

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