Horizontal provides necessary educational amenities to Shree Siddhaganga Rural High School

Horizontal provides necessary educational amenities - thisweekindia

Bangalore, 29 March 2023: India – Horizontal, a global consulting company, is committed to giving back to the community through its Horizontal Cares initiative. As part of this initiative, the company has been supporting NGO-run Sree Siddhaganga Rural High School in Bangalore, which focuses on making learning fun and engaging for its students.

Education is the key to a successful future, and Horizontal believes in supporting schools that help children achieve their dreams and aspirations. The company has been proud to provide the necessary amenities to Sree Siddhaganga Rural High School, allowing them to continue their operations without disruption.

During their recent visit to the school, Horizontal’s team distributed school bags, stationery kits, and 100 school uniforms to the students. The team also provided water heates, kitchen appliances for their Purushanahalli hostel and sport kits to promote physical fitness. Additionally, 60 saplings were planted on the school’s premises, furthering the company’s commitment to sustainable development.

The visit was a huge success, with the team spending valuable time with the students and getting to know them better. The students at Sree Siddhaganga Rural High School are confident, hardworking, and goal-oriented, making Horizontal even more excited to be associated with them.

“We believe that everyone should be empowered to make a positive impact in the community,” said JeremyLangevin, CEO of Horizontal Talent. “Our team visited Sree Siddhaganga Rural High School to support the education and well-being of the students, and we’re thrilled to have been able to make a difference.”

As part of its ongoing commitment to the school, Horizontal recently invited the students and teachers to its Bangalore office, where they were presented with school uniforms, shoes, and library equipments.

Horizontal’s dedication to community engagement and social responsibility sets a standard for other companies to follow. By investing in education and sustainability, Horizontal is creating a better future for all.

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