Indians want a shift in perception of mental illness reveals survey - thisweekindia

64% Indians believe that it is equally important to have both, physical and mental health

August 2021: Mental and physical health are equally important components of overall health. It’s a vital part of our life and impacts our thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Mental illness, especially depression, increases the risk for many types of physical health problems, particularly long-lasting conditions. Mental health and Physical health are integral to living a healthy, balanced life. Our mental health encompasses our psychological, emotional and social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think and behave each day. Our mental health also contributes to our decision-making process, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others in our lives.

Make Me Pure conducted a survey to map attitudes to mental health. Interestingly, the majority of Indians polled are preoccupied about their physical wellbeing (75%), over mental wellbeing (62%). Though, 64% Indians believe that it is equally important to have both, physical and mental health.

Views were seen to be divided: While 45% Indians believe that both mental and physical health get equal footing in India, 30% believe physical health gets more emphasis over mental health, 17% believe mental health is given preference over physical health; 7% were undecided and 1% declined.

One clear trend is that Indians want a clear shift in the handling and perception of mental illness: 64 per cent Indians feel that mental illness is like any other illness (16% disagreed, 16% were neutral and 2% were undecided). Further, 74% of Indians exhort the adoption of a more tolerant attitude towards those with mental illness in society.

The survey also shows a more positive and empathetic change coming about towards those with signs of mental health conditions – 64% urban Indians believe seeing a mental health specialist or therapist, as a sign of strength.

In the survey when it was asked that can mental illness heal on its own? Around 44% urban Indians firmly believe that most adults diagnosed with a mental health condition are likely to get better without a doctor’s intervention of the doctor, whereas about 29% disagreed.

Commenting on the same Mr. Gurpreet Singh Arora, Founding Member – Make Me Pure said, ‘’There has been an increase in mental health services among people since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Depression, Anxiety, Panic State, Self-Harm, Substance Use is quite common news amongst people these days.

Taking care of mental health is as important as your physical health. Your mental health should not be ignored as it plays a vital role in developing your personality and life. We help you to transform and strengthen your mind and boost your confidence. Meditation and alternative therapies are known to aid in the healing process in case of mental trauma and distress.

Through our various healing meditation programs and techniques of wisdom, spirituality, and energy. With the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, most individuals are juggling with mental stress, anxiety, and depression. Hence, we at Make Me Pure offers various services like Reiki Healing, Angelic Healing, Distance Healing, etc. to overcome mental and physical health issues.” 

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