SOS Children’s Village Bangalore Marks 60th SOS Day Celebration

SOS Children’s Village Bangalore Marks 60th SOS Day Celebration - thisweekindia

23rd, June 24, : SOS Children’s Village Bangalore  observed SOS Day, a special occasion commemorating the birth anniversary of the late Dr. Hermann Gmeiner, the Founder of SOS Children’s Villages. The event was graced by the presence of the distinguished Chief Guest, Honorable Dr. Kalpana Purushothaman Member, Juvenile Justice Board, Bangalore Urban, Zonal Director Mr Girijavallabhan and Village In charge Mr. Chandersen Ganwani

This SOS Day marks the 60 years of its inception in India. The program commenced with a warm welcome extended to the esteemed Chief Guest by the Village Director, along with the mothers, children, and co-workers followed by a lamp lighting ceremony, accompanied by a heartfelt recitation of the ‘SOS prayer’ by the children. During the event, the Chief Guest and other dignitaries joined the stage to honor the mothers for their dedication and hard work. Additionally, exceptional children who had achieved remarkable academic success were recognized and awarded by the Chief Guest. The event also featured a variety of cultural activities and competitions, including dance, singing, art & craft, and more.

Expressing her gratitude, Honorable Chief Guest Dr Kalpana Purushothaman remarked, “Today, we gather here to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Hermann Gmeiner, the visionary Founder of SOS Children’s Villages. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the organization for their exceptional work in empowering vulnerable children and communities. It is an honor to be among selfless caregivers and such wonderful children, and I thank you all for this memorable evening.” Zonal Director Mr. Girijavallabhan and Village In charge Mr. Chandersen Ganwani were present on this occasion.

Mr. Sumanta Kar, CEO of SOS Children’s Villages India, highlighted “Our comprehensive childcare programs are dedicated to providing holistic support to children deprived of parental care, empowering them to thrive and succeed. We take great pride in witnessing the success stories of children who have embraced self-reliance and become valued contributors to their communities. We tackle the critical challenges faced by vulnerable families and communities, with a strong focus on preventing child abandonment. Together, we are building a brighter future for every child under our care by ensuring they grow up with the bonds to become their strongest selves.”

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