Upholding Our Heritage: Dr. Arora Urges Sovereignty and Social Progress

Dr. Arora Calls for Sovereignty and Social Action - thisweekindia

New Delhi As India celebrates its Independence Day, we are reminded of the immense sacrifices our ancestors made to secure our freedom. The struggles, hardships, and unwavering spirit of those who fought for our independence are etched in the annals of history. Their courage and determination paved the way for the sovereign nation we live in today. On this day, as we hoist the tricolor and sing the national anthem, we must not only remember their sacrifices but also pledge to honor their legacy by safeguarding our nation’s sovereignty and unity.

Chairman of Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals Kaushambi Dr. P.N. Arora says, The freedom we enjoy today is the result of relentless efforts by countless individuals who believed in the dream of a free India. They envisioned a nation where every citizen could live with dignity, respect, and equality. However, as we celebrate our independence, it is crucial to recognize that this vision remains a work in progress. The responsibility to uphold our nation’s sovereignty and integrity now rests on our shoulders. It is our duty to ensure that the principles of justice, equality, and freedom continue to guide our path.

While we take pride in our nation’s achievements, we must also confront the challenges that threaten our society. Recent incidents, such as the horrific rape of a doctor in Kolkata, serve as stark reminders that our fight for freedom is not yet complete. Crimes against women, caste-based discrimination, religious intolerance, and other social evils continue to plague our nation. These issues undermine the very essence of the freedom our forefathers fought for.

Chairman of Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals Kaushambi Dr. P.N. Arora says, Independence is not just about liberation from foreign rule; it is about the freedom to live without fear, to express oneself without restraint, and to pursue one’s aspirations without hindrance. When we turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against the vulnerable, we fail to live up to the ideals of our freedom fighters. The true test of our patriotism lies not just in celebrating our independence but in ensuring that every Indian, irrespective of gender, caste, or creed, enjoys the fruits of that freedom.

As we honor our ancestors on this Independence Day, let us resolve to protect our nation’s sovereignty and unity. This includes not only defending our borders but also fostering a society where every citizen feels safe, valued, and respected. It is time to challenge the status quo and address the issues that tarnish our nation’s image. We must stand united against all forms of injustice and work towards building an India that our ancestors would be proud of.


Our freedom came at a great cost, and it is our responsibility to preserve and strengthen it. Let us pledge to be vigilant, to speak out against wrongs, and to contribute positively to the nation’s progress. By doing so, we can truly honor the sacrifices made by our ancestors and ensure that their legacy lives on in a strong, united, and just India.

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