India Sees 7 Lakh New Women Cancer Cases Annually

India Sees 7 Lakh New Women Cancer Cases Annually - thisweekindia

Cancer is less amenable to preventive measures in women compared to men

Bangalore – India sees a staggering 7 lakh new women patients diagnosed with cancer annually. Breast cancer makes up over a quarter of these cases, followed by cervical cancer. This makes cancer a leading cause of premature death among women globally.

Experts at Sammprada Hospital in Bengaluru warned that unlike some cancers in men, many cancers affecting women are difficult to prevent.

Dr. Radheshyam Naik, a medical oncologist at the hospital, highlighted the prevalence of cervical and breast cancer, stating that India contributes roughly 1.23 lakh cervical cancer cases and 1.44 lakh breast cancer cases every year. Alarmingly, India accounts for nearly a third of all cervical cancer deaths globally.

Naik added that the stage of cancer diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. Unfortunately, a high number of women – over half for breast and cervical cancer – are not diagnosed until later stages when the cancer has already spread.

Dr. Vinod K Ramani, a preventive oncologist at Sammprada Hospital, stressed the importance of preventive measures. He recommends annual screenings for six types of cancer and vaccinations against HPV and Hepatitis B for certain age groups.

Doctors advise against using certain beauty products and encourage screenings for cancer biomarkers and infections. Early detection is essential for improved outcomes.

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