MAI Labs Launches MayaaVerse, an AI-powered Immersive Tech Platform

MAI Labs Launches MayaaVerse an AI-powered Immersive Tech Platform - thisweekindia

Bengaluru, India – May 22, 2024 – MAI Labs, a deep tech company, unveiled MayaaVerse, a new immersive tech platform designed to revolutionize human interaction and creativity in virtual reality (VR).

MayaaVerse leverages AI to create high-fidelity virtual environments accessible on various devices through its Render Stream Technology. This eliminates the need for expensive VR equipment.

MAI Labs aims to transform the creator economy by empowering creators to develop, collaborate, and monetize content within MayaaVerse.

“MayaaVerse represents a major step forward in redefining human-computer interaction,” said Tapan Sangal, Lead Visionary at MAI Labs. “We believe this platform will revolutionize the creator economy and usher in a new era of immersive experiences.”

Key features of MayaaVerse include:

  • Immersive VR Technology: Delivers realistic virtual environments that blend the physical and digital worlds.
  • Render Stream Technology: Enables high-quality VR experiences on any device with basic hardware and internet connectivity.
  • MAICity: A vast virtual city (100 square kilometers) at the core of MayaaVerse, featuring meticulously detailed architectural marvels, universities, shops, and more.
  • Empowerment of Creators: Provides a platform for creators to showcase, share, and monetize their work.
  • Diverse Virtual Experiences: Offers a variety of experiences beyond gaming and retail, including educational modules, workshops, and meditative interactions.

MAI Labs believes MayaaVerse represents a significant leap forward in VR technology and a glimpse into the future of virtual reality and human experience.

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